Campania de rechemare pentru Dacia Spring vizează siguranța pasagerilor din spate

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The Mioveni-based company has launched a recall effort that targets around 15,000 Dacia Spring units.
The rear seat belts on these models, which were built between 26 April and 4 October 2022, have been found to have issues.
Due to this constructional anomaly, no occurrences have been documented thus far.

The rear seat belt retractor, a component that has been shown to have issues and which improperly restrains the seat belt and can seriously injure passengers in the event of an accident, is specifically to blame for the seat belt issue.
The European early warning system RAPEX has helped to highlight the issue of non-compliant belts.

The campaign to replace the rear seat belt retractor was launched on November 9th, and owners of certain vehicles in Europe have already been alerted.
The recall, which requires an appointment at an authorized agency, is free of charge and takes less than an hour.

By coincidence, this is also the cause of a few new owners receiving their vehicles later than expected.
Before giving the keys to the clients, Dacia left those vehicles in need of maintenance.

We would like to remind you that EuroNCAP officials granted the first electric model from Dacia a one-star rating for safety.
The score for pedestrian protection is 39%, while it is 49% for adult passengers and 56% for youngsters in special restraints. Oficialii de la EuroNCAP au acordat primului vehicul electric de la Dacia un calificativ de o stea pentru siguranță.
Punctajul pentru protecția pietonilor este de 39%, în timp ce pentru pasagerii adulți este de 49%, iar pentru cei tineri în sisteme speciale de siguranță este de 56%.
Dacia Spring nu se descurcă mai bine nici în ceea ce privește sistemele de asistență, primind un scor de 32%.
Chiar și așa, este important de reținut că Spring s-a comportat mai bine decât Renault Zoe (versiunea 2021), care a primit 0 stele din partea EuroNCAP.

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